Why hello, there, future self. Going back through your old blog posts, I see. You egomaniacal coot. You haven’t changed a bit.
There are some things you keep forgetting that I want to remind you of. Every time you remember these things, you’re happier for it—so just hear me out, okay? And try to listen.
First, you should always be reading at least one book just for enjoyment. I know, I know—you’re busy and have a list of “important” books to read. Classics and work-relevant and blah blah blah blah blah. It doesn’t matter that your stack is already piling up. That thing you tell yourself about wanting to avoid “entertainment books” because then you’ll get to the books you’re “trying to finish”? Yeah. That’s a lie.
See, the notion has nothing to do with what you “finish.” It’s about what you’re doing, day in and day out. The idea is to continuously experience stories that capture you—whether they’re the classics or young adult fiction. Sure, maybe you have to read some things, but that’s a different activity altogether. Take the time to read for reading’s sake—to read the books that are like girls at the end of bars who wink at you, down their G&T, then walk out like they’re listening to their own soundtrack. Chase them down because you’re curious and want to get to know them a little better. Keep reading for love. No matter how many other books you’re juggling.
Second, you should always be writing at least one thing you enjoy. It’s too easy to get stuck in the editing or decision-making process of a story and let that disrupt all your creative pursuits. Diving into a new story or an old one that has no real potential? It may seem like a waste of time, but do it for the love of the craft. Do it to get your brain un-stuck. Do it because, hell, at least that way you can say you’re still writing.
And when you don’t have anything you really want to write? Anything you would enjoy getting into words? Then just write anything, write everything, until the stopper gets un-stuck and the thoughts come pouring out. They will. I promise.
And third. Robbie. Listen. Just … give yourself some credit, okay? I know, I know: You’re ambitious. Proud Slytherin. Loud and clear on that front. But don’t be so focused on the next horizon that you forget to enjoy the places you’ve already reached. Just breathe every once in a while. And let that be enough.
P.S. How did you decision on the entire name-change thing go? And also … Robbie … I’m sorry for your loss.
The post A few notes for my future self. appeared first on Rob D Young.