You should start seeing a lot more on this blog. Rather than explaining the complex and convoluted stuff that goes into this, I’m going to make a snappy update to let you know what’s likely to happen from here.
First, for those of you who weren’t aware, the Creative Writing Guild site has launched. I’ll do another post shortly to elaborate on that project, but you can find far more detail on the site itself.
Second, I have a lot of blog entries ready to go. That’s because, while I haven’t posted since May, I’ve written plenty. I’ve held off because of a lack of time to edit and because I wanted to launch the guild site before posting the new content types here.
Third, new content types. As I’ve just written whatever I want to for this site, I’ve come to really enjoy specific types of content. While I’m still figuring out how I want to play on this site, I have a stronger sense of what seems the most fun. You’ll be seeing some personal narratives, travel meditations, and other creative nonfiction, not to mention some fiction, poetry, essays, and experiments.
Fourth, I’ve decided to post a lot of my creative work to this site. Writers have a bad tendency to hoard their best work for publishers who will hopefully get it to an elite audience (comprised mostly of other writers who subscribe to literary journals). I don’t want to do that. I believe in giving everything, all the time.
Fifth, I’m currently quitting ADD meds. No clue how much I’ll post about that here, what with being in withdrawal and getting all slug-like. But I’m hoping to do a series talking about my experience with addiction, attempts to quit, withdrawal, and recovery.
Sixth, I hope to resume the White Silk Chronicles. I just don’t know when. I definitely want to finish my thesis (which I defend in September) first, but beyond that, I’m unsure how to prioritize it. Bug me about it if you’re a fan.
So expect more posts, changes, and so forth. And if you come here for writing tips, head over to the Creative Writing Guild, which now serves as the home for that type of content.
The post Updates appeared first on Rob Blair Writes.