This week’s writerly humor is from Calvin and Hobbes. Click on the image for a larger version.
This “funny because it’s true” comment actually has a neurological reason, as I discuss in my series on the neuroscience of writing. The short version? Writers are adrenaline junkies with anxiety issues. We need that last-minute kick to break us past our intertial barrier. Is this always true? Nope. Creative rushes happen in a variety of contexts and some writers are disciplined enough to write whether or not they feel inspired. But the more I get to know other writers, the more I see how “normal” these procrastination patterns are.
How about you? Do you need that last minute to get started on your writing projects? Or do you have a set routine that helps keep you on course?
Write on,
Rob D Young
The post Writerly Humor: The Mood for Creative Inspiration appeared first on Rob D Young.